Okayyyyy I found another old post in my drafts and am just going to post it even though it is really late... Wow, okay I've been failing in blogging. It's been over a month since my last post, but guess what? It has been about two months since moving to Japan! You could say I've become very comfortable in my small town. I've...Read More
I found this in my draft and decided to just post it without pictures. I'll just edit it later when I'm not lazy to add the pics in.... Back in February, my boyfriend and I took a spontaneous trip to Australia. Our tickets were booked like 2-days in advance. It was that spontaneous. I wanted to go on a trip before moving to...Read More
So a friend was wondering how my daily life has been since starting work. Well to start, my work schedule is from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. This is pretty nice considering my previous job was between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm. I live about a 5-min bicycle ride to my school so I don't need to wake up that early either. I...Read More
After almost a week training with Interac in Chiba, I was finally going to move into my new home in Showa, Yamanashi. During training, I swear everyone I met in my Koushinetsu Branch (Toyama, Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi) were located everywhere else, but Yamanashi. I was beginning to think I was the only person going to be placed in this prefecture. On the last...Read More