Life in Japan - Daily Routine
April 19, 2018
So a friend was wondering how my daily life has been since starting work.
Well to start, my work schedule is from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. This is pretty nice considering my previous job was between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm. I live about a 5-min bicycle ride to my school so I don't need to wake up that early either. I also don't need to put on much makeup since none of the teachers at school wear anything on their face.
Here's a break down of my day
8:15 am - Finally wake up after alarms ringing for half an hour. Then I slowly start getting ready by washing up and putting minimal makeup - foundation and brows (need my brows).
9:10 am - In Japan, being at work on time is late, and early is on time. I aim to get to work 10-mins prior to my starting time, Since I live within 10-mins walking and 5-mins bicycling, I can leave as late as 9:15 to get to work by 9:20.
9:40 am - I have my first lesson of the day at this time. I usually have 4 periods of classes a day, then about 2 hours until I end work.
12:25 pm - Lunch in Japanese schools is pretty awesome. My school students eat together in the classroom with their teacher. The students and teachers wear aprons, caps, and face masks when serving lunch to each other. They all start eating together saying "Itadakimasu" (like Bon appétit) when beginning their meal and finishing with "Gochisousamadeshita" (showing appreciation for this delicious meal). I was encouraged to eat with the students, so I rotate between each grade and class. My lunch break runs for about 75-mins, so after I eat with the students I head back to the staff room. After lunch, the students have assigned roles on cleaning up different areas. I thought that schools around the world should do this.
1:50 pm - This period is when the kanak attack hits. I start to get sluggish and once this period is over I get pretty sleepy and head back to the staff room. This is when I have 2-hours of preparation time. I usually just sleep (lol jk). Sometimes I wish they would just send me home early since my next class wouldn't be until the next day.
4:30 pm - Woohoo! At this time my Japanese Teacher of English (JTE) or the Kocho Sensei (principal) tells me to scram (lol jk). I receive their hanko (stamp) on my timesheet and bicycle back home.
4:35 pm - I get home and just potato. Sometimes I head to my favorite market near Nitori (about 4-min bicycle ride) to pick up some groceries for dinner. I thought groceries were cheap in my town, but my JTE said they are expensive lol!
7:00 pm - I probably finish cooking and start eating dinner around this time. I started watching Terrace House on Netflix to practice my Japanese. It has been addicting and I finished the Aloha State season pretty quick. I also bought some craft materials for my new resin hobby! I will make a post of it soon too. I also Skype with my boyfriend sometimes, but the time difference sucks. Japan is 19-hours ahead of Hawaii. I just count 5-hours ahead and one day behind (easier for me to remember).
9:30 pm - I take a pretty late shower, I get so comfortable in my kotatsu that the next thing you know, its past 9 pm! I've become pretty lazy with the cooler weather. I always need my heater and kotatsu on.
11:30 pm - I don't know why, but I've been getting my creative thoughts and inspiration at the latest time... Once I start writing a blog post, I don't stop until 1:00 am! I'm trying to get better and sleep earlier too...
2:00 am - I've been going to bed around this time giving me about 6-hours of a good night's rest. I definitely need to change this pattern soon.
My day is pretty boring tbh. On the weekends, I pretty much slug around or clean and go to the mall. If I do something exciting, I shall make a post!

Well to start, my work schedule is from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. This is pretty nice considering my previous job was between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm. I live about a 5-min bicycle ride to my school so I don't need to wake up that early either. I also don't need to put on much makeup since none of the teachers at school wear anything on their face.

Here's a break down of my day
8:15 am - Finally wake up after alarms ringing for half an hour. Then I slowly start getting ready by washing up and putting minimal makeup - foundation and brows (need my brows).
9:10 am - In Japan, being at work on time is late, and early is on time. I aim to get to work 10-mins prior to my starting time, Since I live within 10-mins walking and 5-mins bicycling, I can leave as late as 9:15 to get to work by 9:20.
9:40 am - I have my first lesson of the day at this time. I usually have 4 periods of classes a day, then about 2 hours until I end work.
12:25 pm - Lunch in Japanese schools is pretty awesome. My school students eat together in the classroom with their teacher. The students and teachers wear aprons, caps, and face masks when serving lunch to each other. They all start eating together saying "Itadakimasu" (like Bon appétit) when beginning their meal and finishing with "Gochisousamadeshita" (showing appreciation for this delicious meal). I was encouraged to eat with the students, so I rotate between each grade and class. My lunch break runs for about 75-mins, so after I eat with the students I head back to the staff room. After lunch, the students have assigned roles on cleaning up different areas. I thought that schools around the world should do this.
1:50 pm - This period is when the kanak attack hits. I start to get sluggish and once this period is over I get pretty sleepy and head back to the staff room. This is when I have 2-hours of preparation time. I usually just sleep (lol jk). Sometimes I wish they would just send me home early since my next class wouldn't be until the next day.
4:30 pm - Woohoo! At this time my Japanese Teacher of English (JTE) or the Kocho Sensei (principal) tells me to scram (lol jk). I receive their hanko (stamp) on my timesheet and bicycle back home.
4:35 pm - I get home and just potato. Sometimes I head to my favorite market near Nitori (about 4-min bicycle ride) to pick up some groceries for dinner. I thought groceries were cheap in my town, but my JTE said they are expensive lol!
7:00 pm - I probably finish cooking and start eating dinner around this time. I started watching Terrace House on Netflix to practice my Japanese. It has been addicting and I finished the Aloha State season pretty quick. I also bought some craft materials for my new resin hobby! I will make a post of it soon too. I also Skype with my boyfriend sometimes, but the time difference sucks. Japan is 19-hours ahead of Hawaii. I just count 5-hours ahead and one day behind (easier for me to remember).
9:30 pm - I take a pretty late shower, I get so comfortable in my kotatsu that the next thing you know, its past 9 pm! I've become pretty lazy with the cooler weather. I always need my heater and kotatsu on.
11:30 pm - I don't know why, but I've been getting my creative thoughts and inspiration at the latest time... Once I start writing a blog post, I don't stop until 1:00 am! I'm trying to get better and sleep earlier too...
2:00 am - I've been going to bed around this time giving me about 6-hours of a good night's rest. I definitely need to change this pattern soon.
My day is pretty boring tbh. On the weekends, I pretty much slug around or clean and go to the mall. If I do something exciting, I shall make a post!

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