Why I moved to Japan
April 18, 2018
The most asked question: Why did I move to Japan?
Since high school, it has always been my dream of mine to live in Japan. Being a descendant of Japan, I've always been interested in the Japanese culture, food, history, etc. I always loved traveling to Japan, it was always my favorite vacation destination.
During college I really wanted to study abroad in Japan, but wasn't confident enough to go. After graduating college, I wanted to apply to teach English in Japan. Once again, I did not have the courage to leave life in Hawaii at my immature age. Fast forward to Fall 2016 - I took my first trip to Japan in over 7 years! Of course, I fell in love all over again. I was motivated and applied to teach English with Interac, thus starting my Japan journey. And the rest is history.... lol jk.
The application was for Fall 2017, however Interac had notified me in April/May 2017 that their positions for fall had already filled up. Unsure of what to do, I told them to just put me on for the next semester, which would be Spring 2018. If you remember my Interac Timeline post, I applied for Interac back in February 2017... this was such a long and anxious wait. Well, those long months went by quick.
During my last month in Hawaii, I was getting cold-feet. I started to get those thoughts of not wanting to go anymore. I was getting more comfortable living with my boyfriend. My excitement slowly went stale and I started feeling like a little b lol.. but I knew I had to go no matter what! I couldn't chicken out before I even start. I kept reminding myself that I would regret it if I didn't go. I knew I had to go NOW (before I get too old lol).
And here I am~ I can proudly say I am finally living my (~kawaii~) dreams!!! My contract with Interac is for a year, but we'll see how things go.
Some goals I hope to gain while living in Japan are:


Since high school, it has always been my dream of mine to live in Japan. Being a descendant of Japan, I've always been interested in the Japanese culture, food, history, etc. I always loved traveling to Japan, it was always my favorite vacation destination.
During college I really wanted to study abroad in Japan, but wasn't confident enough to go. After graduating college, I wanted to apply to teach English in Japan. Once again, I did not have the courage to leave life in Hawaii at my immature age. Fast forward to Fall 2016 - I took my first trip to Japan in over 7 years! Of course, I fell in love all over again. I was motivated and applied to teach English with Interac, thus starting my Japan journey. And the rest is history.... lol jk.
The application was for Fall 2017, however Interac had notified me in April/May 2017 that their positions for fall had already filled up. Unsure of what to do, I told them to just put me on for the next semester, which would be Spring 2018. If you remember my Interac Timeline post, I applied for Interac back in February 2017... this was such a long and anxious wait. Well, those long months went by quick.
During my last month in Hawaii, I was getting cold-feet. I started to get those thoughts of not wanting to go anymore. I was getting more comfortable living with my boyfriend. My excitement slowly went stale and I started feeling like a little b lol.. but I knew I had to go no matter what! I couldn't chicken out before I even start. I kept reminding myself that I would regret it if I didn't go. I knew I had to go NOW (before I get too old lol).
And here I am~ I can proudly say I am finally living my (~kawaii~) dreams!!! My contract with Interac is for a year, but we'll see how things go.
Some goals I hope to gain while living in Japan are:
- Become more independent - I've always been dependent on my family and boyfriend in the past. At my age I need to start growing up and become a strong independent woman lol! Being able to truly "adult" and fend for myself is one thing I will definitely experience and learn.
- Learn Japanese - Ok, this is a big, BIG struggle for me growing up with one parent fluent in the language, but not being able to speak it. One question I'm always asked is if I can speak Japanese, or why I can't speak it. Making this a very important goal for me.
- Become more motivated and try new things - Living in Hawaii, you tend to become complacent with the "Hawaiian lifestyle". This of course does not apply to everyone, but it most certainly affected me. It was always important to travel often to see the world because it is definitely an eye-opener. I already have plans to travel around Japan as well as outside Japan during my year here. I want to also try many things I am unable to do so in Hawaii. I always love experiencing new things. Becoming motivated to to do more things and step out of my comfort zone is something I hope to achieve. There is always room for growth!

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